Introduced Docomo Hikari 10GB

Previously, I wrote an article about setting up a Wi-Fi repeater.
As a result, the internet environment improved somewhat, but it was still around 100Mbps, and recently, the Wi-Fi had been disconnecting frequently.
So, I decided to take a plunge and contract Docomo Hikari 10GB.
The procedure was quite troublesome.
First, I was told that my existing contract with Plala did not support Docomo Hikari 10GB, so I had to change my provider.
Due to various campaigns and Docomo's push, I switched to GMO Tokutoku BB.
That alone took about two weeks.
After that, I remember making many calls to NTT to check if the area was supported for 10GB and to schedule the construction day.
After 2-3 weeks of not hearing back about the construction schedule, I called to inquire, and they got back to me about a week later.
From the time I first took action until the construction was completed, it took about two months in total.
Also, since the Wi-Fi router needed to support 10GB, I had to get a new one.
This could be rented cheaply from GMO Tokutoku BB, my provider, so I decided to use that.
I got a model WXR-5700AX7S, which seemed to be the latest.
Even after the construction was completed and the Wi-Fi router was set up, there was a problem where I couldn't connect to the internet at all.
I read the manual and tried various things, but it just wouldn't connect.
When I inquired, I was told that it would take about 1-3 days for the 10GB internet to become available.
As a result, the internet light came on the morning after construction (about 24 hours later), and I successfully connected to the internet.
As for the internet speed, it looks like this.

Since it used to be around 100Mbps, it's significantly faster now.
Occasionally, the Wi-Fi itself disconnects, but I'm not quite sure of the reason...
For now, I'm addressing it by hitting the reset button on the router.
For now, I'm glad that it has successfully connected.
During the contracting process, I was repeatedly told, "It is possible that after the construction, it won't connect, and refunds are not possible..." so...
Enjoying a comfortable internet life.