Resolutions for 2025

Happy New Year.
This is the resolutions article for this year. You can find a recap of last year here.
I will keep working hard.
I continue to strengthen marketing and sales, but ultimately, the product is most important.
I believe the product solves everything, so I want to strengthen the development team as well (although all I can do is hire).
We traveled quite a bit in the latter half of last year, but since we started keeping a cat, it has become a bit difficult to travel.
Well, traveling can be quite exhausting when you're a family of four anyway.
I want to find a nearby place where we can relax.
My child seems to be preparing for junior high entrance exams, and it looks like study preparations are about to begin.
However, once they start going to tutoring, that alone will occupy a lot of time, so I am trying to manage with online education.
Exam preparation will be fully remote. With AI, I wonder if the format of exams will change as well.
With each passing year, I feel an increasing sense of urgency about my health.
Last year, I broke a rib from coughing too much. I thought it was an urban legend until it happened to me, and I was shocked.
I know I should be careful about what I eat, but I am a foodie who can't resist my appetite. Still, I don't want to just restrict my diet; I want to eat delicious food.
I want to find meals that are healthy but also tasty.
By the way, I watched the movie 'Cells at Work' today, which made me realize even more that I need to be careful with my diet. It was very educational.
Additionally, I want to counteract with exercise.
I have been steadily using an ab roller, and I feel like I am gradually getting closer to a full extension stand-up roll, but I still have quite a way to go.
This doesn't sound very resolution-like, but that's okay.
I also picked a fortune at the New Year’s shrine visit this year. It was good.
It is good to do things confidently, but be attentive to all matters.
Once you have determined what to do, focus wholeheartedly and do it.
Everything will succeed.
With that said, I will pursue what I want to do with single-mindedness.